Friday, September 4, 2009

Rehabbing and Renting Success Secrets

Has all the negative press scared you from investing? If you’re like most of the Americans that work a 9 to 5 JOB and rely on your 401K for a secure retirement, then yes we would also be a little concerned. However, if you’re one of those entrepreneur-types that are tired of corporate America, then we know you’re itching to take advantage of this real estate environment.

Now, the question that you have to ask yourself is, “what type of real estate investing do you want to pursue?” Do you want to rent homes to make money over a lifetime while you hold the property? On the other hand, do you want to buy homes to renovate and then quickly resell for a one-time profit? If you’re like most new real estate investors out there, then you probably are need of the initial capital that renovating and reselling can offer you. Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of each type of investing.

Property Investing is serious business. If you are eager to buy rental properties and become a landlord, there are some things you NEED TO KNOW in order to become successful. Making money in this business starts with BUYING RIGHT! You’re probably getting set to tune us out because you’ve heard that before. We know you’ve heard it before! So why are we telling you such a basic fact again? Look, there’s a reason that every guru worth his salt, pounds it into your head repeatedly. Why? Because it’s the #1 mistake investors make ALL the time!! The purpose of this post is to help arm you with the knowledge you need to ensure you make a solid investment!

Rehabbing properties is a fast game. If you’re not sure what you’re doing, then like renting you can lose your money and your mind while rehabbing your first house. First and foremost we must become experts at team building. We have to surround ourselves with quality team players that excel. If this is done right, the probability of the rest of your rehabbing project being a success increases ten-fold. When you work with competent people you are able to utilize your time and leverage your ability while rehabbing. This is the key to flipping your way to the top.

There is no better time in history to buy property (renting or rehabbing)! Our office is FLOODED with calls from sellers looking to unload their properties; the number of deals out there is mind-blowing! If you are ready to start building your wealth through real estate investing, make sure and become a VIP member of Roberts Investment Properties LLC Wholesaler Buyers List here in Knoxville. As a member, you’ll be notified immediately when we have a new property up-for-grabs (that means YOU will have first dibs on the hottest deals)! To get instant access to the hottest rehab and rental deals here in Knoxville, simply enter your name and email address in the form below.

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